Hakone Town

Empowering Guides and Community for Sustainable Tourism Development and Growth

Hakone Town was lacking the personal guidance provided by guides and also a process to educate, certify, and connect guides with visitors. Also special trained guides for e.g. responsible adventure travel were missing, allowing visitors to make the most of the natural resources available in the area. As a solution they launched the Hakone Guide Training Project which was lead by an experienced local mountain guide in cooperation with local stakeholders and service providers. The project created a unique three-tiered training program that could cater to different levels of participants. The benefit from this was a number of new certified guides with special training and also the DMO is helping to connect the guides with the travel agencies. Furthermore through this project it was possible to share the wonders of Hakone with visitors, increase sustainable tourism, and alleviate congestion problems.

Keywords: Trained coordinator/ team, Stakeholder involvement, Stakeholder contributions, Promoting local products and services, Promoting local tourism employment Developing sustainable tourism Guide Training, Stakeholder Involvement, skill development, certification program, quality tourism, attractiveness, education, connection

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