Livingstone contains one of the seven natural wonders of the world, the Victoria Falls. Nevertheless, neighbouring towns are better placed for tourism and the tourist destination suffered especially during the Corona Pandemic.
In order to attract more tourists, the destination developed a new tourist attraction, the ‘Forest of Faces’. This is an art installation that includes 21 handmade wooden sculptures up to 4 metres high. These reflect traditional crafts and local stories. In addition, the sculptures draw attention to ecological problems such as deforestation, loss of biodiversity and climate change due to their materials of fallen and dry wood.
As a result, the pride of the residents and local artists has been strengthened, in addition to the attraction that has been created, which attracts school classes, for example.
Keywords: Creating a new attraction, Displaying local art, Supporting local artisans, Creating benefits for the local community, Attracting visitors, Cultural tourism, Intangible heritage, Community involvement in planning, Stakeholder contributions, Supporting local entrepreneurs