
Museu Ao Ar Livre Princesa Isabel – Orleans SC

One of the problems of local tourism was concentrated on the need for specialized assistance and guidance, also short-term actions, mostly cause oscillations in what involves local tourism, focusing the involvement of the sector only in events already known and held in the town. The museum has become a laboratory of good practices, demonstrating the possibilities of using renewable energy, which moves the water wheels and machinery, the pond is also used as an attraction where the visitor has an experience on the ferry ride. The professionals who work there help the tour guides with historical/cultural information, attractions, food, among others.
The Museum also serves the internal and external community with space for technical and cultural meetings. Thus, maintaining its integration with the local and regional community. Theseare actions that seek to instigate and encourage new local initiatives (tourism and culture) to develop good practice respecting the local material and immaterial heritage. The creation and implementation of the Outdoors Museum brought several benefits, not only to the town of Orleans, but at a state and national level, as a historical Brazilian cultural heritage, with this, thousands of visitors increased the recognition and participation of the South region in the developing of the Brazilian Nation, with its knowledge, customs and culture.

The main issue was preserving the cultural heritage of the colonizers from disappearing. Orleans has a rich history with European immigrants; in 1882, they settled in the region living on agricultural production and small industries. What started as a project after a devastating flood in 1974 to keep the family industries of the immigrants alive became ‘The Princess Isabel Outdoors Museum’, the first of its kind in Latin America, showcasing traditional equipment and buildings used to manufacture objects for their needs. Through the dedication to protecting the cultural and historical significance of the region, this museum has played an important role locally, regionally and internationally. Not only does The Princess Isabel Outdoors Museum serve the community with a space for technical and cultural meetings, but also encouraged the creation of a Graduate Course in Museology by the Centro Universitário Barriga Verde (UNIBAVE) and has been at the heart of international agreements and cooperation with the National Museum of Emigration in Genoa/Italy.

Keywords: Open air museum, Cultural heritage, Community, Tourist attraction Cultural tourism Tangible cultural heritage, Intangible heritage, Respecting authenticity, Resident engagement and feedback

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