Parque Nacional del Manu

Manu National Park, a tourism opportunity for the Matsiguenka people

Being inside a PNA, the native communities have limitations in developing other economic activities, generating different behaviors, such as the migration of part of the young population in search of job opportunities, often becoming involved in extractive activities outside the PNA, as well as the almost null participation of women in economic activities within the household. The solution was to venture into tourism through the Casa Matsiguenka Lodge project, a multi-communal enterprise, unique in its form and condition in Peru, since it is inside a PNA and belongs to two native communities Tayakome and Yomibato, since they opted to develop a sustainable economy through tourism inside a PNA. The benefits were (among others) e.g. reduction of poverty among the community members, income generated by own artisanal production, strengthened their cultural identity etc.

Keywords: Indigenous communities, Native communities, Natural protected area, Natural park, lodge, Artisanal products, Cultural identity, Multi-communal enterprise, Collaboration, New sources of income Ecotourism, Community-based tourism Indigenous intellectual property, Promoting local products and services, Promoting local tourism employment, Sustainability standards

Parque Nacional del Manu - PERU - 2022 Top 100 Destinations Sustainability Stories

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