During the rainy season the Sandoval lake was almost unreachable by foot due to the bad condition of the path which got very muddy. By creating an elevated trail to the Sandoval Lake tourists were able to reach the lake during the rainy season and reduce the travel time to reach it. This has made it possible for tour operators to go there almost year round and extend the visitor season.
Before 2018, visitor and facility management were big problems to reach the Sandoval Lake in general and the Tambopata National Park in particular. Thereafter, the improvement and the developmental planning were executed by the National Service of Natural Areas Protected by the State (SERNANP), the Natural Protected Area (ANP) and the articulation with the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (MINCETUR). Even though the formalization process requires the collaboration and participation of all related stakeholders, the articulated work between the public and private sectors, and the participatory management articulated between the destination’s stakeholders have contributed to the improvement of tourism activities and environmental conservation strategy. Some significant results are indicated such as an increase in demand from domestic tourists and local visitors, the accessibility for the elderly and the disabled, the return of fauna, and job opportunities for local communities, etc.
Keywords: Accessibility, public-private partnerships, ecotourism. Ecotourism, Community-based tourism. Accessibility, Supporting local entrepreneurs, Promoting local products and services Ecotourism, Community-based tourism Accessibility, Supporting local entrepreneurs, Promoting local products and services